
There are two main functions providing fundamental functionality. The string_format() function is designed to return formatted string and the print_format() function prints the value immediately returning void.

Introduction to string_format

The string_format() function takes at least one argument which is the format specification and variadic arguments which can be positional arguments along with named arguments and returns formatted string.


function string_format(string|Stringable $formatSpec, ...$values): string

string_format() function formats the string given by $formatSpec and value arguments passed in form of variadic arguments either positional or named ones.


string|Stringable $formatSpec

The format specification used to format a string.

mixed …​$values

Can be passed in form of a single value to format or more (using named arguments notation or positional ones) which are formatted and replaced in result string value.

Return value

Returns the formatted string value.


use fmt\string_format;

$message = string_format(
    '{when:Y-m-d} is {temp:0.1f}°C and is {cond}',
    temp: 32, // (1)
    cond: 'sunny', // (2)
    when: new DateTimeImmutable('now'), // (3)
  1. Foo

  2. Bar

  3. Baz fooo


string(34) "2020-08-20 is 32.0°C and is sunny."
All positional arguments require passing before all named arguments as this is how named arguments works in PHP.

Above usage of string_format() is way more clean and easier to read equivalent of:

$message = \sprintf(
    '%3$s is %1$0.1f°C and is %2$s',
    (new DateTimeImmutable('now'))->format('Y-m-d')
If we care about full equivalent with the same argument order all arguments need to be referenced by a positional index only with use of 3$ notation.

Introduction to print_format

The print_format() function takes at least one argument which is the format specification and variadic arguments which can be positional arguments along with named arguments and prints formatted string.


function print_format(string|Stringable $formatSpec, ...$values): void

print_format() function formats the string given by $formatSpec and value arguments passed in form of variadic arguments either positional or named ones just like the string_format() does.


string|Stringable $formatSpec

The format specification used to format a string.

mixed …​$values

Can be passed in form of a single value to format or more (using named arguments notation or positional ones) which are formatted and replaced in result string value.

Return value

No value, the function return is void.


use fmt\print_format;

print_format('Hello {}!', 'John');


Hello John!